Know what? I'm going to give up on labels. These day there are far too many of them.
Once upon a time bisexual meant "attracted to pretty much everybody," which was fine by me, as it pretty much covered where I stood. But someone moved the goalposts and now it means "attracted only to those born male or born female and who have not altered their base gender aspect in any way."
Which is, by the by, a crock of utter shit. I don't think there is a biological urge on the planet that stops to ask what gender a person was born when it first kicks you in the hormones and directs you to ogle another human being from afar. If the attraction ceases after finding out, then that is not a biological imperative, but a psychological one. It means the person in question has Issues that clouds their ability to truly enjoy sex or feel comfortable in their sexuality, which is worlds divorced from base biological urges.
So this splitting hairs finer and finer as to some sort of "attraction flow chart," seems to me to be further confusing the issues of sexual attraction instead of shining light on them. Especially when it comes to understanding and embracing self acceptance, self honesty, and figuring out where our hangups lie and why they exist. Plus, it gives a sort of "status boost" to those who are the most "inclusive" about their attraction, as if these people were somehow better than all the folks still working through a lifetime of sexual issues, some of which can be pretty intense depending on what culture you come out of (evangelical is a good example) or what you've been through (abuse, rape, etc.).
Fuck that shit, man, sexuality is NOT a status symbol and should never be used as such.
I don't like the game, so I'm not playing. From now on, I'm introducing myself as "Weird-Sexual." Or maybe "Sexually Fluid," that works too, as long as those of a twelve year old mentality don't get hold of it.
It basically means whatever label you try to put on me, I don't fit. Chances are, I'm gonna do something that doesn't jive with your little pigeonholes, and I'm okay with that. In fact, better than okay. I get enough judgement from mainstream society about my sexuality; I don't need it from the non-mainstream folks as well. My sexuality is only one small aspect of who I am, and not the most important one, at that, so get over it already!
Unless, of course, you really, really need everything neatly dissected and tidily put away in order to function. In which case, have fun with your masses of self labeling. Whatever turns you on, dude*.
*Dude is used in this context as gender neutral and does not imply the user's gender in any way. It is being used this way because the author is too damned lazy to list dude, dudette, cis-dude, queer-dude, pan-dude, and whatever the bloody hell else is floating around out there. Yes, the author is a lazy bitch. And, you'll note, she also does not call herself an authoress because she also considered the word "author" to be gender neutral. She's weird like that.